
Growing Together: Your Community Conservation Resource Hub

  • Water Quality

    KY Ag Water Quality Plan

    The Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Plan serves as a guide to individual landowners and land users as they develop water quality plans of their individual operations.

  • - Get Started - Get Started

    The official USDA guide for historically underserved farmers and ranchers; this is to include: minorities, women, veterans, beginners, and limited resource producers. A great insight into programs and loans available from the USDA, NRCS, and FSA.

  • PDR Program

    PDR Program

    Purchase of Development Rights, or PDR as it is more commonly known, is Kentucky's first Agricultural Conservation Easement program facilitated by a local government. Through PDR the city purchases farm owners’ development rights, thereby preserving it as farmland forever.

  • Dr. Mark Coyne's Soil Demonstration

    Following a remarkable 30-year academic research career, Dr. Mark Coyne, who currently serves as a Board Supervisor, has shared a soil demonstration PowerPoint. This presentation introduces essential concepts and three practical tests, and was presented at the 2024 CAIP Producers Workshop.

  • Sinkholes


    Kentucky is known for having Karst topography, rich with sinkholes and caves. Little can be done once a sinkhole has formed, but knowing how they form can be helpful.

  • Partners


    Conservation is a collaborative effort. Fayette County Conservation District proudly partners with those listed here.

  • KY - NRCS Conservation Practices

    KY - NRCS Conservation Practices

    Intended for landowners and clients to use as an educational and reference guide, regarding common conservation practices.

  • Kentucky Pollinator Protection Plan

    The Kentucky Department of Agriculture collaborated with other agencies and organizations to develop an official plan to ensure sustainability of our states pollinators.

  • Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan

    Kentucky's Department of Fish and Wildlife developed a state strategy and assessment plan.

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