KY Ag Water Quality Plan

Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Plan

Do you own 10 acres or more of land in Kentucky for agriculture or forestry production? 

If yes, you are required to have an Ag Water Quality Plan

Complete the producer workbook and self certification which can be found here

In order for you to participate in many of our programs, we require your completed workbook and self-certification on file. Submit both to our office by emailing:

If you would like assistance filling out your workbook, call our office at 859-202-1811 to make an appointment. 

Click here to view the Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Act Informational Brochure

Click here to view a 5-minute informational overview

The Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Act was enacted by the 1994 General Assembly. This law guides the state’s agriculture and silviculture industries in efforts to address water quality issues and protect surface and groundwater resources. The Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Act created the Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Authority, which consists of member farmer and industry representatives and state agencies and organizations.

KY Ag Water Quality Act

The KAWQA effects all landowners and land users with 10 or more acres used for agriculture or silviculture operations. Anyone in this category is required to develop and implement an Ag Water Quality plan using best management practices (BMPs). Find KAWQA-Approved Best Management Practices on the KY Energy and Environment Cabinet page, here.

The Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Statewide Plan is the guidance document consisting of best management practices for different agricultural operations. This statewide plan serves as a guide to individual landowners as they develop water quality plans for their operations. To view the Kentucky Ag Water Quality Statewide Plan, click here.

The Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Act Producer Workbook is an interactive tool that can be used  by landowners decide which BMPs to include in their individual plans. This workbook can be accessed here.  

As the Conservation District for Fayette County we can provide technical assistance to landowners to help implement Ag Water Quality Plans. In addition, here is a quick reference guide to help you with the process. 

Financial assistance for implementing BMPs may be available through one of our water quality related Cost-Share Programs.

For more information regarding Ag Water Quality Plans for KY, visit the link below: 

University of Kentucky Biosystems & Agriculture Engineering Ag Water Quality Plan