State Cost Share

State Cost Share

In 1994, the KY General Assembly established the KY Soil Erosion and Water Quality Cost-Share Program and the KY Soil Stewardship Program with the goal of addressing existing soil erosion, water quality, and other environmental issues on privately owned land. Funds are administered by the Fayette County Conservation District and the KY Soil and Water Conservation Commision with priority given to animal waste issues, agricultural district participants, and to producers who have their Agriculture Water Quality plans on file with their local conservation districts. Once a year, landowners can apply for the state cost-share program.

  • Agricultural and Animal Waste Control Facilities
  • Stream-bank Stabilization
  • Animal Waste Utilization
  • Vegetative Filter Strips
  • Integrated Crop Management
  • Pesticide Containment
  • Sinkhole Protection
  • Pasture and Hay Land Forage Quality
  • Heavy Use Area Protection
  • Rotational Grazing System Establishment

Eligible Cost Share Practices:

  • Water Well Protection
  • Forest Land and Cropland Erosion Control Systems
  • Closure of Agricultural Waste Impoundment
  • On-Farm Fallen Animal Composting
  • Soil Health Management
  • Precision Nutrient Management
  • Strip Intercropping System
  • Livestock Stream Crossing
  • Riparian Area Protection